Super Papa

Super Papa

Super Papa

1h 38min2024

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For the 8th birthday of his son Gaby, Tom, unwittingly offers him a book ... which contains only blank pages. Faced with Gaby's disappointment and in order not to lose face, Tom pretends that it is a magic book: all you have to do is write your dreams in it for them to come true. This is how, totally overwhelmed, Tom will do everything he can to make his son's dreams come true, even the wildest ones!

  • Genero: Comedia, Familia
  • Actores: Ahmed Sylla, Ismaël Bangoura, Julien Pestel, Louise Coldefy, Zabou Breitman, Claudia Tagbo, Sophie Vannier, Simon Zibi, Léa Lando, Léa Lando
  • Español Latino
    • 1. streamwish - CAM
    • 2. filemoon - CAM
    • 3. voesx - CAM
    • 4. doodstream - CAM
    • 5. streamtape - CAM
    • 6. netu - CAM
  • Subtitulado
    • 1. streamwish - CAM
    • 2. filemoon - CAM
    • 3. voesx - CAM
    • 4. doodstream - CAM
    • 5. streamtape - CAM
    • 6. netu - CAM
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